D²4H’s invention Vitogram® awarded Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury at 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

We are delighted to announce that Vitogram®, a pioneering invention developed by the Laboratory of Data Discovery for Heath (D²4H), has been honoured with one of the top awards – ‘Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury’ – at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva on April 19, 2024. Among the awardees from The University of Hong Kong (HKU), D²4H stands out as the sole InnoHK Centre established with HKU to receive this exceptional recognition.
Developed by our Lead Scientist, Professor Joshua Ho, this digital health solution offers an integrated AI-enabled platform for collecting and analysing heart health data using smartphones, thereby facilitating telemedicine and self-monitoring. Through Vitogram®’s intuitive mobile app interface, users can effortlessly digitalise and analyse their heart sounds by placing their own mobile device on their chest.
“We develop Vitogram® to make heart health monitoring much more accessible. Our incredibly talented R&D team at D24H has worked very hard to turn this into reality. We are excited that the innovation and societal benefit of our AI-based solution are recognised by the jury in this international exhibition. I am immensely proud of our team’s ingenuity and commitment,” said Professor Joshua Ho.
Matthew Yuen, one of the AI Programmers in the Vitogram® team, said, “I am incredibly proud and honoured to be part of the team. The award showcases the tremendous potential of our digital health platform and its ability to make a significant impact to people’s health.”
The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, held in Switzerland between April 17 – 21, 2024, brought together inventors from around the globe. The Exhibiton, featuring an array of 1,035 inventions, has drawn interest from more than 24,000 participants over five days.
For more information about Vitogram®, please visit https://vitome.com/vitogram.
About the Laboratory of Data Discovery for Health Limited (D²4H)
The Laboratory of Data Discovery for Health Limited aims to gather and curate massive, unique data resources and develop deep, frontier analytics to protect global public health while improving individual healthcare through precision medicine. The D²4H brings together a multi-disciplinary team of the world’s leading scientists to apply AI and big data in ways that will revolutionize our approaches to understanding and treating disease.
Led by the University of Hong Kong and supported by renowned national and international academic institutions. The research teams at the D²4H have long-term collaborative and advisory partnerships with health authorities such as the World Health Organization and China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. By fostering partnerships across multiple disciplines and sectors, the D²4H advances the frontiers of healthcare technology in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and beyond. The mission of the D²4H is to generate tremendous healthcare benefits for global health via the development of innovative digital solutions.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Ms Karen Ha
Tel: +852 3910 3776
Email: kykha@d24h.hk